The Fair Grounds John Walter Smith Park
John Walter Smith Park, located on Public Landing Road in Snow Hill, serves as the athletic complex to citizens in the central section of the County. This location is where Worcester County Department of Recreation & Parks programming and maintenance operations are administered.

Indoor Amenities
Worcester County
Recreation Center
The Worcester County Recreation Center (WCRC), located at John Walter Smith Park in Snow Hill, includes a climate controlled 47,000 square-foot multi-purpose fitness arena. Housed within are the offices of the Recreation & Parks staff, along with a 520 seat arena.

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Food & Drink
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Where's The Place Find Your Way Around
Located on Public Landing Road just off of Rt. 113, in Snow Hill, John Walter Smith Park serves as the athletic complex to citizens in the central section of the County. The park is on 80 acres of land and is the home of the Worcester County Department of Recreation & Parks.